ready to kick off the new year with the highly anticipated Baltic Charge Race Series [Season 3], featuring thrilling road races tailored for cyclists across the Baltics. This time, we’re bringing the action to riders with a lineup of challenging courses and intense competition.
Mark your calendars for these electrifying race dates:
Race Schedule:
January 8, 2025 — Chasing The Sun (35.1 km)A dynamic race to start the series, where endurance and pacing will be key as riders chase the horizon.
January 15, 2025 — Flatland Loop (39.1 km)A test of speed and consistency, perfect for time trial speci...
Baltic Charge Race Series [S2:E1]: Turf N Surf Take a ride through Neokyo's vivid lights, coast along Urukazi’s wild shores, and face the famous "Pain Cavern" climb. This route will test your endurance and tactics, with key challenges that will decide the winner. Are you ready to conquer it?
🔗 Link to the registration for the race (men): 🕰️ Time: Wednesday 18:30 (EET) 🏞️ Route : Turf N Surf (24.7 km)
🔗 Link to the registration for the race (women): 🕰️ Time: Wednesday 18:35 (EET) 🏞️ Route : Turf N Surf (2...
Information about the route:
What type of a bike and wheels are the best:
Who will win? Predictions for the race:
Make sure that your zwift profile is connected to Zwiftpower. Instructions:
We offer different racing groups for ...
Zwift Baltic Race Series Podcast - 2nd November 2024 18:00
Get ready for our special Zwift Baltic Race Series podcast! On November 2nd, 2024 at 18:00,in we will be diving deep into everything you need to know about Zwift Baltic 2024/2025 season. We'll answer your questions, share behind-the-scenes insights, and provide detailed information about all the races.
Whether you're participating, cheering for your friends, or just curious about Zwift races in the Baltic States, this is the perfect opportunity to learn more and get involved. Join us and be part of t...
The first race is here!
Link to the registration for the race:
🚲 What type of a bike and wheels are the best:
In the spirit of our brothers and sisters in Lithuania - our first 4 stages will be short and fast. 🔥
Make sure that your zwift profile is connected to Zwiftpower. Instructions:
🔠 We offer different racing group...
Noslēdz Latvijas Zwifta sezonu ar LVM GRAVEL sacensībām!
Piedalies grandiozajās sezonas noslēguma Zwift sacensībās, ko rīko LVM GRAVEL/MARATONI! 🌟 Šī ir Tava pēdējā iespēja šajā sezonā izmēģināt spēkus virtuālajā e-sporta riteņbraukšanā un vienlaikus uzzināt vairāk par gaidāmo LVM maratonu sacensību sezonu!
Sagatavojies neaizmirstamai cīņai ...
Get Ready for the Thrilling Wash & Drive Short Race Series!
We are excited to announce the Wash & Drive Short Race Series, proudly supported by Wash & Drive!
What makes this race series stand out?
This is a format like no other in the world of Zwift Baltic races. It demands incredible endurance, the ability to maintain a high pace throughout, and above all, unwavering determination....
Latvijas Čempionāts e-sporta riteņbraukšanā Zwift platformā / Latvian E-sports Cycling Championship on Zwift Platform
Pirmā diena / Day One (14.12.2023)
Sveiki visiem Zwift kopienā! Mēs vēlamies dalīties ar aizraujošiem brīžiem no Latvijas Čempionāta e-sporta riteņbraukšanā, kas notika Zwift platformā. Čempionāts kā jau ierasts tika sadalīts 2 dienās. Pirmā diena ITT, otrā diena RR.
Pirmajā dienā, 14. decembrī, norisinājās individuālais laika brauciens (ITT), kurā dalībnieki tika sadalīti 3 grupās: Vīriešu elite (A grupa), Open grupa (B grupa) un Sieviešu elite (E grupa). Trase bija Twilight ...
Are you passionate about cycling and eager to explore new ways to connect with fellow enthusiasts? Look no further! Zwift is revolutionizing the world of e-sports cycling, allowing cyclists to compete in virtual races and engage with a like-minded community. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to Zwift, the ZZK/Specialized collaboration, and how you can join this immersive e-sports experience. Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey that combines sports, technology, and virtual reality!
Zwift is an online platform that allows cyclists from around the world to participate in virtual races...
Read all...