8.Marta Dāmu Brauciens Zwift
Informācija par sacensībām un noteikumi
●- Veicināt un popularizēt e-riteņbraukšanas sportu sieviešu vidū;
●- Piesaistīt jaunas riteņbraucējas;
●- Izglītot un informēt sabiedrību par Zwift platformu un viedajiem trenažieriem;
●- Nodrošināt iespēju ziemas periodā piedalīties velo sacensībās.
Vieta, laiks, distance:
●- Sacensības norisinās platformā ZWIFT;●- Sacensību laiks 2024.gada 8.martā 19.00 EET;
●- Dalība tikai sievietēm;
●- Dalībniecēm nav vecuma ierobežojuma.
Sacensību vadība:
●- Sacensības organizē Sieviešu riteņbraukšanas klubs “Latvian Cycling Girls” sadarbībā ar veloveikalu ZZK un ZWIFT.LV.
Pieteikšanās sacensībām:
Papildus noteikumi:
●- Dalībniecei brauciena laikā jāizmanto:
○ - Viedais trenažieris un pulsometra josta, kas nodod datus Zwift to reģistrē. (sods-DNF)
●- Aizliegtas jebkāda veida rupjības, vai naida kurināšana sacensību laikā (piem. izmantojot čata saziņu). (sods - DSQ)
Rezultāti un vērtēšana:
●- Pēc sacensībām rezultāti tiks publicēti zwift.lv/lv/results nākamo 2 dienu laikā. Pārējie rezultāti apskatāmi Zwift Companion aplikācijā pie sadaļas "Events";
●- Sacensību uzvarētāja tiks paziņota divu dienu laikā pēc sacensību noslēguma;
●- Apbalvotas tiks tikai dalībnieces no Latvijas un balvas tiks izsūtītas TIKAI Latvijas robežās.
- Pirmo trīs vietu ieguvējas saņems balvas no atbalstītājiem.
- Citas brauciena dalībnieces saņems atbalstītāju dāvanas izlozes kārtībā.
●- Izdevumus, kas saistīti ar sacensību organizēšanu, sedz Sieviešu riteņbraukšanas klubs “Latvian Cycling Girls”, ZZK un ZWIFT.lv
●- Latvian Cycling girls: latvian.cycling.girls@gmail.com, tel.26 559 013●- Facebook: Latvian Cycling Girls
●- Instagram: latvian.cycling.girls
●- Promote e-cycling sport among women;
●- Attract new cyclists;
●- Educate and inform society about the Zwift platform and smart trainers;
●- Provide people with the opportunity to participate in cycling competitions.
Place, time, distance
●- The competition takes place on the ZWIFT platform;
●- The competition will take place on March 8, 2024 at 19.00 EET;
●- Women only;
●- Women of any age can participate in the race.
Management of competition
●- The competition is organized by the Women's Cycling Club "Latvian Cycling Girls" in cooperation with ZZK and ZWIFT.lv.
Registration for the competition
●- To participate in the competition, you need to register to the event at www.zwift.com (https://www.zwift.com/eu/events/view/4235134?fbclid=IwAR3z7ew0sk-gmM7ZrV6SnqTBQCQRIfRlkvD0-NbH2cKEZ7WTa2fNKDrI-IY
Additional terms
●- During the ride, the participant must: use Smart trainer and heart rate monitor that transmits data to Zwift and records it. (penalty-DNF)
●- It is forbidden to incite any kind of rudeness or hatred during the competition using chat communication. (penalty - DSQ).
●- The results will be published on zwift.lv/lv/results within the next 2 days. Other results can be viewed in the Zwift companion application
●- The winner of the competition will be announced two days after the end of the competition
●- Only participants from Latvia will be awarded and prizes will be sent ONLY within Latvia.
- - The three best ladies will receive prizes from supporters.
- - Other participants of the ride will receive gifts from supporters by lot.
●- Expenses related to the organization of the competition are covered by the Women's Cycling Club "Latvian Cycling Girls", ZZK and ZWIFT.lv
●- Latvian Cycling Girls: latvian.cycling.girls@gmail.com , phone +371 26 559 013
●- Facebook: Latvian Cycling Girls
●- Instagram: latvian.cycling.girls
Organizatori un atbalstītāji:
Noteikumi A un E grupām:
Noteikumi B (OPEN) grupai:
Laiks un vieta:
Sacensību inventārs un tehniskie jautājumi:
Sacensību datu ierakstīšana, uzvešanās sacensību laikā un e-riteņbraukšanas datu ticamība:
Izmaiņas sacensību nolikumā:
Sacensību balvu fonds:
Organizatori un atbalstītāji:
Noteikumi A un E grupām:
Laiks un vieta:
Sacensību inventārs un tehniskie jautājumi:
Sacensību datu ierakstīšana un e-riteņbraukšanas datu ticamība:
Sacensību balvu fonds:
Place, time, distance:
Live coverage of races:
Management of competition:
Registration for the competition:
Additional terms:
Performance Verification:
Code of Conduct:
Zwift Baltic Performance Verification Board:
The Board shall consist of the following:
Zwift Baltic Performance Verification Board (hereafter “Refs”) shall be responsible for ensuring the integrity of results of Zwift Baltic e-sport cycling events and series.
Refs shall have the power to update the results, rules of events, and apply sanctions to riders, as set out Sanctions
Point system
- #1 place: 100p
- #2 place: 95p
- #3 place: 92p
- #4 place: 89p
- #5 place: 86p
- #6 place 83p
- #7 place 80p
- # 8 place 77p
- #9 place 74p
- #10 place 71p
- After 10th place, every next contestant 1p less (ex. 11th place 70p).
Point system for KOS and KOM are as follows:
- #1 place 5p
- #2 place 4p
- #3 place 3p
- #4 place 2p
- #5 place 1p
- Riders from across the Europe are eligible to receive the prizes.
- Top 3 places in overall standings of subgroups A, B, C and E will be rewarded with prizes from sponsors.
- 1st place in overall standings of group D will be rewarded with prizes from sponsors.
- Top 3 places of KOS and KOM will be rewarded with prizes from sponsors.
- Award ceremony and end-of-the-season party will take place 9th March 2024 and will be held on-location in Riga, Dzelzavas iela 47
- Prizes can be shipped across the Europe.
ZZK – everything for you need for cycling at one place www.zzk.lv (velo-shop)
4cyclists – high quality clothes for cyclists www.4cyclists.eu
Wash & Drive – fast and reliable bike and car wash stations www.washanddrive.lv
Vieta, laiks, distance:
Sacensību vadība:
Pieteikšanās sacensībām:
Papildus noteikumi:
Rezultāti un vērtēšana:
Regulations for groups A and E
Time and place
** Zwift.lv is entitled to request proof, such as a rider’s weight, a public "STRAVA" account, public "Zwiftpower" account, to determine whether there is a technical error in hardware, the power meter that displays incorrect data, or fraud with the rider’s data. The rider must submit the required information in the e-mail: martins@zzk.lv or via facebook messenger to https://www.facebook.com/zwift.lv .
Regulations for groups A and E
Permitted Smart Trainers / Bikes;
Regulations for group B (OPEN)
Combined regulations which apply to groups A, E and B
** Zwift.lv is entitled to request proof, such as a rider’s weight, a public "STRAVA" account, public "Zwiftpower" account, to determine whether there is a technical error in hardware, the power meter that displays incorrect data, or fraud with the rider’s data. The rider must submit the required information in the e-mail: martins@zzk.lv or via facebook messenger to facebook.com/zwift.lv.
Group race
Time trial race
Place, time, distance:
Management of competition:
Registration for the competition:
Additional terms:
Performance Verification:
Code of Conduct:
Zwift Baltic Performance Verification Board:
The Board shall consist of the following:
Zwift Baltic Performance Verification Board (hereafter “Refs”) shall be responsible for ensuring the integrity of results of Zwift Baltic e-sport cycling events and series.
Refs shall have the power to update the results, rules of events, and apply sanctions to riders, as set out Sanctions
Point system
- #1 place: 1000p
- #2 place: 995p
- #3 place: 992p
- #4 place: 989p
- #5 place: 986p
- #6 place 983p
- #7 place 980p
- # 8 place 977p
- #9 place 974p
- #10 place 971p
- After 10th place, every next contestant 1p less (ex. 11th place 970p)
Place, time, distance:
Management of competition:
Registration for the competition:
Additional terms:
Performance Verification:
Code of Conduct:
Zwift Baltic Performance Verification Board:
The Board shall consist of the following:
Zwift Baltic Performance Verification Board (hereafter “Refs”) shall be responsible for ensuring the integrity of results of Zwift Baltic e-sport cycling events and series.
Refs shall have the power to update the results, rules of events, and apply sanctions to riders, as set out "Sanctions"
Point system
- #1 place: 1000p
- #2 place: 995p
- #3 place: 992p
- #4 place: 989p
- #5 place: 986p
- #6 place 983p
- #7 place 980p
- # 8 place 977p
- #9 place 974p
- #10 place 971p
- After 10th place, every next contestant 1p less (ex. 11th place 970p)
Race info & rules.
Place, time, distance
Management of competition
Registration for the competition
Additional terms
Other participants of the ride will receive gifts from supporters by lot.
UPDATE 01.02.2022 - Regulations changed
** Zwift.lv is entitled to request proof, such as a driver's weight, a public "STRAVA" account, public "Zwiftpower" account, to determine whether there is a technical error in hardware, the power meter that displays incorrect data, or fraud with the driver's data. The rider must submit the required information in the e-mail: toms.kaza@zzk.lv
Group race
Time trial race
– the stages of the competition will take place on Wednesdays 18:00 EET
– no restrictions allowed to participate (age, gender)
– women’s have one group – E
– men`s have three groups – A, B, C (Usefull Zwift information about group selection)
– each group have a separate start
– the use of “ITT/TT BIKE”, “MTB BIKE” or CYCLOCROSS bicycle is prohibited. Participating only with standard ROAD bikes (PENALTY – DNF)
– TRON BIKE is allowed.
– It is prohibited to change bicycles during competitions (PENALTY – DNF)
– have a heart rate belt showing the data on Zwift and register it (bpm) (PENALTY – DNF)
– any form of incitement to rudeness or hatred by means of chat communication during the competition (PENALTY – DNF/DSQ)
– to participate in the fight for overall ratings and sponsorship awards, the Zwift profile must be connected to Zwiftpower (YouTube guide for correct registration)
– zpower will not take into account.
* * We are entitled to require members who are racing for rating, DUAL RECORDING (Zwift Insider guide on how to make a dual recording), as well as other evidence, such as the riders weight, a public “STRAVA” account or a public “Zwiftpower” account, to determine whether there is a technical error in the training device that shows a failure incorrect data or driver data fraud. The rider must provide the required evidence after the next race by publishing them in the zwiftpower.com on competition section, otherwise, the results presented will be cancelled.
– results are taken for each competition group separately
– after each stage, the results will be published in the 4Cyclists News and Zwift.lv Results within the next 3 days.
– the winner of the 4Cyclists Zwift Cup will be announced three days after the end of the last stage.
– Explanatory explanations for DNF/DSQ reasons:
– – BPM – No pulse recorded
– – PWR – No power data registered
– – WKG – inappropriate category
– – DUAL-rider must perform dual recording in the next race and make it publicly available in zwiftpower.com
– – BIKE – unauthorised bicycle used or changed during the race
After each stage, the first 30 riders will get points: 1st place – 40, 2nd place – 36, 3rd place – 32, 4th place – 29, 5th place – 27, 6th place – 25, starting from 7th place points go down by one by each place (7th place, 24, 8th – 23… 30th – 1).
Above all, in the final calculation will be taken only four best results! However, If two riders will have the same result at the end of the cup, the last stage results will be taken into account to know the winner.
- promote and promote e-sports in Baltic states
- educate and inform people about the Zwift platform and smart training devices
- provide people with the opportunity to participate in cycling competitions and other activities during a period where the classical cycling/triathlon season cannot take place
- Latvian Zwift Association (www.zwift.lv)
- LV2MAX - E-Sport Cycling Team
Wahoo Baltic
- the stages of the competition will take place on Wednesdays 18:00 EET
- no restrictions allowed to participate (age, gender)
- men's and women's separate results
- the use of a “ITT/TT BIKE”, “MTB BIKE” or CYCLOCROSS bicycle is prohibited. Participating only with standard ROAD bikes (PENALTY - DNF)
- TRON BIKE is allowed.
- It is prohibited to change bicycles during competitions (PENALTY - DNF)
- have a heart rate belt showing the data on Zwift and registers it (bpm) (PENALTY - DNF)
- any form of incitement to rudeness or hatred by means of chat communication during competition (PENALTY - DNF/DSQ)
- to participate in the fight for overal ratings and sponsorship awards, the Zwift profile must be connected to Zwiftpower.com
- zpower will not take into account.
* * Zwift.lv is entitled to require members who are racing for rating, DUAL RECORDING, as well as other evidence, such as the riders weight, a public “STRAVA” account or a public “Zwiftpower” account, to determine whether there is a technical error in the training device that shows a failure incorrect data or driver data fraud. The driver must provide the required evidence after the next race by publishing them in the zwiftpower.com on competition section, otherwise the results presented will be cancelled.
- after each phase, the results will be published in the zwift.lv/results within the next 3 days. Full results can be viewed in ZWIFT.LV
- the winner of the series will be announced three days after the end of the series.
- Explanatory explanations for DNF/DSQ reasons:
- - BPM - No pulse recorded
- - PWR - No capacity registered
- - K - inappropriate category
- - DUAL-rider must perform dual recording in the next race and make it publicly available in zwiftpower.com
- - BIKE - unauthorised bicycle used or changed during race
- all competitions are divided into stages and sets
- one set consists of three stages
- at least two stages must have a valid results to qualify for set.
- there must be at least three sets in order to participate in overal ranking
- after each stage, the first ten riders who have shown the best results in their group will receive points. First place - 10 points, second place - 9 points, third place - 8 points, fourth place - 7 points, fifth place - 6 points, sixth place - 5 points, seventh place - 4 points, eighth place - 3 points, ninth place - 2 points, tenth place - 1 point.
- after 3 stages, the members' points are aggregated and the first ten members who have shown the best results in their group will receive set points. First place - 10 points, second place - 9 points, third place - 8 points, fourth place - 7 points, fifth place - 6 points, sixth place - 5 points, seventh place - 4 points, eighth place - 3 points, ninth place - 2 points, tenth place - 1 point.
These set points sums 3 best sets for overall standing.
In total, 4 sets will take place over the season, 12 stages.
1 set (27.10.2021/03.11.2021/10.11.2021)
2-set (17.11.2021/24.11.2021/01.12.2021)
3-set (08.12.2021/15.12.2021/05.01.2022) (winter holiday)
4-set (12.01.2022/19.01.2022/26.01.2022)
The winners of the overal rating will be clarified by summing up the set points. If set points are the same, the winner will be distinguished by the highest number of points from the first set. If the number of points corresponds to the first one, it is taken from the other, etc.
If a member changes a power group during a competition, the results are counted in a new group without counting the results of the previous group.
Latvian Duathlon League
** Zwift.lv ir tiesīgs pieprasīt dalībniekiem, kuri cīnās par kopvērtējumu, "DUAL RECORDING" ( >> SAITE UZ ZWIFTINSIDER.COM PAMĀCĪBU PAR DUAL RECORDING<< ), kā arī citus pierādījumus, kā piemēram, braucēja svaru, publisku "STRAVA" kontu vai publisku "Zwiftpower" kontu, lai noteiktu, vai nav tehniskās kļūdas trenažierī, kurš uzrāda nepareizus datus, vai krāpšanās ar braucēja datiem. Braucējam jāiesniedz prasītie pierādījumi 7 dienu laikā, pretējā gadījumā uzrādītie rezultāti tiks anulēti.
Latvian TT Zwift Classic
** Zwift.lv ir tiesīgs pieprasīt dalībniekiem, kuri cīnās par kopvērtējumu, "DUAL RECORDING" ( >> SAITE UZ ZWIFTINSIDER.COM PAMĀCĪBU PAR DUAL RECORDING<< ), kā arī citus pierādījumus, kā piemēram, braucēja svaru, publisku "STRAVA" kontu vai publisku "Zwiftpower" kontu, lai noteiktu, vai nav tehniskās kļūdas trenažierī, kurš uzrāda nepareizus datus, vai krāpšanās ar braucēja datiem. Braucējam jāiesniedz prasītie pierādījumi 7 dienu laikā, pretējā gadījumā uzrādītie rezultāti tiks anulēti.
Pieteikšanās sacensībām
Latvian Spring Zwift Classic
** Zwift.lv ir tiesīgs pieprasīt dalībniekiem, kuri cīnās par kopvērtējumu, "DUAL RECORDING" ( >> SAITE UZ ZWIFTINSIDER.COM PAMĀCĪBU PAR DUAL RECORDING<< ), kā arī citus pierādījumus, kā piemēram, braucēja svaru, publisku "STRAVA" kontu vai publisku "Zwiftpower" kontu, lai noteiktu, vai nav tehniskās kļūdas trenažierī, kurš uzrāda nepareizus datus, vai krāpšanās ar braucēja datiem. Braucējam jāiesniedz prasītie pierādījumi 7 dienu laikā, pretējā gadījumā uzrādītie rezultāti tiks anulēti.
Vieta, laiks, distance.
- Sacensības norisinās platformā ZWIFT
- Sacensības norisināsies 8.martā 19.00 EET.
- Distances garums līdz 25km.
- Maksimālais dalībnieku skaits - 100 dalībnieces.
- Piedalīties var jebkura vecuma sievietes.
Sacensību vadība
Pieteikšanās sacensībām
- Lai piedalītos sacensībām ir jāpieseko Zwift profilam "Toms www.zzk.lv" caur Zwift companion aplikāciju.
- Jāaizpilda pieteikuma forma https://zwift.lv/lv/calendar ar prasītajiem datiem.
- Pēc uzaicinājuma saņemšanas, Zwift companion aplikācijā uzaicinājums ir jāapstiprina.
- Augstākminētās darbības jāveic līdz 2021.gada 8. marta 17:00.
Papildus noteikumi
- Aizliegts izmantot "TRON BIKE", "ITT/TT BIKE", "MTB BIKE" vai cyclocross velosipēdu. Piedalīšanas tikai ar standarta šosejas velosipēdu. (SODS - DNF)
- Jabūt pulsometra jostai, kas rāda datus un Zwift to reģistrē (bpm). (SODS-DNF)
- Aizliegtas jebkāda veida rupjības, vai naida kurināšana sacensību laikā izmantojot čata saziņu. (SODS - DSQ )
Rezultāti un vērtēšana
- Pēc sacensībām rezultāti tiks publicēti zwift.lv/lv/results nākamo 2 dienu laikā. Pārējie rezultāti apskatāmi Zwift companion aplikācijā pie sadaļas "Events".
- Sacensību uzvarētāja tiks paziņota divas dienas pēc sacensību noslēguma.
- Trīs labākās Latvijas dāmas saņems balvas no atbalstītājiem.
- Izdevumi, kas saistīti ar sacensību organizēšanu, sedz Sievieš riteņbraukšanas klubs “Latvian Cycling Girls”, ZZK un ZWIFT.lv
- Latvian cycling girls latvian.cycling.girls@gmail.com, tel. 26 559 013
- Facebook Latvian Cycling Girls
- Instagram latvian.cycling.girls
ZZK ECT Racing
How to participate in race